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I am not sure where to start! This to me was a heart blowing experience. I was struggling for the past couple of months and needed some space and time to help me find myself and find some peace within. Well, this retreat gave me that and so much more. As an introvert, I was a bit apprehensive to going into a place where I do not know anyone, but this changed the moment I met such lovely and welcoming people. There were no expectations or judgments from anyone; I loved being able to sit in the sofa reading a book with some lovely music in the background and listening to the sounds and smells of Lula’s cooking (brought me great memories from my childhood!). Valerie’s Nidra, flow and yin sessions were something else, same with Lula’s wholesome food and flow sessions. All of this topped up with gorgeous surroundings, a so much needed massage from Abby, lovely sunsets and such beautiful people. Just thinking about the weekend brings warmth to my heart 🙂 Thank you Valerie and Lula for all your kindness.